Motor Power With Brake Wires, SpeedTec DIN Connector, Drive-end, Flying-lead, Standard (Non-Flex), 10AWG, 9M || 2090CPBM7DF10AA09

Артикул: 2090-CPBM7DF-10AA09
Наименование: Motor Power With Brake Wires, SpeedTec DIN Connector, Drive-end, Flying-lead, Standard (Non-Flex), 10AWG, 9M
Производитель: Allen-Bradley

Bulletin 2090
2090 Cable, Feedback and Power
Motor Power With Brake Wires, SpeedTec DIN Connector, Drive-end, Flying-lead, Standard (Non-Flex), 10AWG, 9M

2090C PBM7D F10AA09
209 0CPBM7DF10AA09

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